CRAFT 2100 α ARF

Normally it takes about 2 months from order to delivery due to the make-to-order system.

The CRAFT 2100 has been upgraded with improvements to accommodate both EP and GP styles.

Consists of 2 sections of ARF film-applied main wings and 2 sections of fuselage
(*Not a disassembled model)

Available in blue and red.
WING SPAN 1,544mm
LENGTH 940mm
Tail area 10.5dm2
Compatible engines 2 ST 45- 60 class 4 ST 52-62 class
Weight of airframe only Approx. 900g`
WEIGHT Approx. 1350g - 1650g

item name
CRAFT 2100α ARF blue
JPY 48000-
CRAFT 2100α ARF red
JPY 48000-

If you would like to purchase, please send an email to the following address with the name of the item, quantity, name and address.

We will inform you of the total price of the product, shipping and handling charges.

Total dimensions of 3 sides when packed : 140size
Weight when packed : 2000g

Payment can be made by "paypal".

Example . (If shipping to California, USA)
CRAFT 2100@48000yen
shipping and paypal fee 10735yen
total 58735yen

Craftline Cup 2022 Digest

Craftline Cup 2023 is scheduled to be held in July 2023